25 Kasım 2011 Cuma

The Optimal Diet Tips

Unlike stereotypical “dieters,” my patients don’t “yo-yo” up and down the scale, nor do they flit from my diet to the next fad diet. Most have stayed with me for years, and the reason they stay is that my diet works. The Rosedale Diet is dramatically different from standard weight loss diets, which I believe is the key to its success.
The average American has such poor eating habits that making any change is likely going to be an improvement, but that’s not saying much F
ollow any of the popular weight-loss diets, and you’ll probably lose some weight, but you won’t be restoring leptin sensitivity as effectively, so you’ll still be battling hunger. Moreover, simply losing weight does not necessarily mean that you are losing weight in a healthy way, or that you’ll be able to keep it off. Eating for optimal health as well as to lose weight is a greater challenge, and doing it for the long-term is a greater challenge yet. Yet that is exactly what the Rosedale Diet does.
Virtually all of the popular diets today are basically variations on the same two themes: (1) the high carbohydrate–low fat diet (heavy in grains, starches, salads, and fruit) or (2) the high protein–low carbohydrate diet (heavy in meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs). Neither type is as effective as mine, and no popular diet other than the Rosedale Diet has been shown to control leptin.
As its name implies, the high carbohydrate–low fat diet severely restricts fat intake. You can’t eat much protein because it is often high in fat, and you are forced to eat mostly starches (like pasta), grains, and salads. As I will explain later, many carbohydrates—even the ones you think are healthy—can cause those spikes in leptin that will make you leptin-resistant.
The all-the-protein-you-can-eat-diet fixates on eating protein and ignores fat. Your plate is piled high with meat of any kind, and as much as you like, but you are severely restricted in your carbohydrate intake. The dirty secret of high protein diets is that if you eat more protein than your body requires, the excess can turn toxic and can threaten your health. There is even growing evidence that a high protein diet significantly increases your risk of heart disease, another fact you won’t hear from proponents of these diets.
In contrast to the standard other weight-loss diets, the Rosedale Diet focuses on fat—burning fat and eating fat. In fact, it allows you to eat up to half or more of your daily calories in the form of fat, as long as it’s the right kind of fat. Since fat is what gives food much of its flavor and texture, eating a high fat diet is hardly a hardship. You also eat protein on my diet, but in the right amount, because excessive protein consumption can be dangerous. You can also eat a fair amount of carbohydrate, but only the healthy ones that won’t cause the precipitous spikes in leptin that are so damaging to health.

3 yorum:

  1. Thank you for sharing the diet tips. They will be helpful in keeping my diet balanced as I am striving to lose my weight.

  2. If you are planning to loose weight then you need to excercise along with controling your diet. But what i have seen people stop eating or swich to one typical dish which is not a healthy diet. Best way is to take healthy but less fat diet and small quantitiea.
